Monday, December 20, 2010

Meeting Cancelled

Hey there everyone,
First of all: so we've doubled checked with the Boys and Girls Club and it turns out that the club closes at 6:00 pm over the holidays and do not resume their normal hours until January 3rd.
This means that the meetings on December 21 and 28 are cancelled. We know that this also means that we've cancelled every meetings in December and we apologize for that. With our meeting place closed, and a number of members away, we really feel that the best solution is to close for the holidays, and come back strong in the new decade. (Reschedueling at the Boys and Girls Club is not possible, and looking into alternative meeting spaces such as the Central library: the cheapest non-profit rate for a room big enough for all of us is $ 50. And for those thinking about "loitering" at the mall so we can beat up Mr. Frumpy the mall cop: NO. We are a nice bunch of teenagers =)
With all our meetings this month eaten up by snow and holiday hours, we're having a little change of plans. Instead of signing up for teams at the next meeting, we would like everyone to please email us their top 3 team choices by December 28. And if you're still interested in leading a team, but you haven't already let us know, please do so.
---Teams will be made before our next meeting so that we can get right down to work on our next meeting. Team leaders will be notified in advance so they can prepare research that needs to be done and plan for how their team will use the time at the meeting. Our next meeting is on January 4th, 2011- same place, same time.
again our teams are:
Art Project - this team will be led by Ming, and will take on larger roles after February. The current goal is to communicate with our local high schools, and  promote general interest.
Walk around the Block - responsible for organizing phase I, the publicity/legality etc. for the clothing walk
Race/Activity - responsible for organizing phase II, the activities/Carnival at Banting,
Clothing Collection - responsible for organizing clothing collection to be used in phase I and II

Also, if anyone have ideas, suggestions, questions or comments regarding our clothing drive/art project or anything in general please let us know via email or phone.

Secondly: Don't forget that we are volunteering at Metropolitan United Church this Wednesday the 22nd from 8:30-10:00. Please tell us if you can or cannot come!

And last but not least: Merry Christmas to all! =D May the new decade bring nothing but joy and laughter to everyone and their families!  

//Sophia and Taylor are pumped for volunteering on Wednesday!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

December 22 - volunteering at Metropolitan United Church

Dear Interact Team,

We would like to ask for everyone's support for a volunteer event on Wednesday, December 22. The Metropolitan United Church (located downtown across from City Hall)
is distributing Christmas food hampers to the families in the Limberlost community. They have asked for our help in loading the food from the church into the cars. It's another chance for us to help out those less fortunate during the Christmas holidays, it will help us get recognized in the community, and it will go towards our next event with Limberlost.

Metropolitan United Church, 468 Wellington St, London Access through the east side door through the parking lot.
8:30 - 10:00 AM. Please try to make it on time.
Date: Wednesday, December 22
Parking:  The church lot is plugged with huge piles of snow at the moment and we want to keep as many spots open for our drivers as possible so please don't park at the church.  Since school is out for Christmas, parking may be available at Central Secondary School or on nearby parking meters.
Details:There will be approx 400 boxes of food to be loaded from a large assembly room in the church into the cars of volunteer drivers.   
What are we doing?:  There are approximately 130 - 135 families to serve with Christmas food hampers.  Each family gets three boxes of food (clearly marked by labels on the boxes) plus one turkey and one 10 lb bag of potatoes.  The job is to take instructions from the reception desk and ensure the right boxes, turkey and potatoes get into the right car.  For example, "Unit #62 and 63 into the grey Honda" may be the instruction.  Locate all boxes for Limberlost units 62 and 63 and move them from the assembly room into the driver's car.  Grab a bag of potatoes and a turkey for each family and ensure they are in the car with the boxes.  Ensure the driver is happy that they have everything and send them on their way. 

  Ask for Dave Spencer when you get to the church and he'll get you going, or try to find other Interactors.
Dave Spencer

Cell 519 851 1722
Alright team, in the name of the giving Christmas spirit =)....
Please tell us whether or not you will be able to help out.
Thanks and enjoy the holidays,
Gordon and Sophia

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Snow Storm?!

Incredible! There is another snow storm rolling in from the north, and according to the radio, there is an expected fall of another 15 cm of snow. The executives were hesitant about what they were going to do - doubting the weather forecast, worried about the members' safety, and wanting to do some good in the world - but as the weather got worse and worse in the afternoon, they finally decided to call off the meeting. The fact that the home base, the Boys and Girls Club, was closed might have helped as well. So, as our dedicated president Sophia Liu is calling around to all members informing them of the cancellation, please note that there is no Interact meeting tonight. Remember to pick out which team you want to be part of, and email Gordon your choice!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Newspaper Article!

So this morning, I got up like usual, ate my usual PB&J, and for some reason, I decided to read the newspaper, the Londoner, to be precise. And guess what I found? On page 33 on Thursday, December 2, 2010, an article about us being chartered was written, and with a colour photo to boot! Written by Evelyn Symons, it tells about Interact in general, then focuses on us and our accomplishments, especially quoting our inspiring secretary Gordon Ngo. If anyone has not read it, click HERE to read it.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Snow Storm!

As all Londoners should know, there is a great snow storm forcing all schools in the Thames Valley Board close for two days, and most schools for three days - an unprecedented event! However exciting it is for many, many students, it is unfortunate that we have to announce that there will be no Interact meeting tonight due to this storm. Everyone, keep working on brainstorming of how our winter event will work, and on future projects. Enjoy the snow!

Friday, December 3, 2010

We are now official.

So it's official, we are now a fully operational Rotary International sponsored club.
Want more info?
Want to join us?